On Air With Stephanie Synclair

EP022: The 5 Characteristics you Should Have to Help you Build a Successful Business



If you don’t believe you are an expert, neither will anyone else. You need to walk the walk and talk the talk. Make sure that you are part of the group that succeeds and not the group that brings you down. The more you practice your trade the better you will become. When you embody the successful entrepreneur, you become the successful entrepreneur. Decide to quantum leap your business.   Key Takeaways: [0:50] What exactly does it mean to quantum leap? [3:24] Buying holiday decorations for the new Las Vegas house [5:01] The December Mastermind is coming up [6:04] Stephanie Synclair, one-year anniversary blowout [8:43] Experiences in Bali [10:30] The 5 characteristics to build a successful business: Stick-to-it-iveness Wealth consciousness, ongoing training Surround yourself with successful people Distance yourself from toxic people Empire building [22:09] Do you consider yourself an expert? [26:16] Others need to see you as an expert See yourself as an expert Proclaim your expertise [33:16] Lessons from B