Up Fuel Podcast - Start Or Grow Your Online Business

MMOTI 005: How Brian Jones Took His Internet Business From His Condo To A 10,000 Sq Ft Warehouse



In this podcast episode I chat with Brian Jones who I first interviewed earlier this year about his interesting internet business. He runs several niche movie memorabilia websites surrounding the popular Christmas movies "A Christmas Story" and "Christmas Vacation." On this podcast Brian talks about how he first got started making money online by building and selling the infamous Leg Lamp from the "A Christmas Story" movie out of his condo. We also cover how he took a big risk and bought the actual house from the movie on eBay and ultimately grew his business to a point that he needed a huge 10,000 square foot warehouse just to house the movie merchandise. This is a truly awesome story of a passionate internet entrepreneur who was able to build a successful business from scratch. I am a huge fan of both of these Christmas movies and it's been a family tradition that we watch them every year so this conversation in particular was very exciting for me to participate in. I hope you enjoy it.