Parenting Teens: The Biggest Job We’ll Ever Have Podcast

Podcast 105: Pieter Wolters and Ank Stuyfzand: Focus on yourself.



Focus on yourself. Pieter Wolters and Ank Stuyfzand are proud of their son’s character and growth; they are also proud of their own growth as parents. In our series of interviews with Hyde Alumni Parents, I usually ask the question “What was working in your parenting before you got to Hyde?” Ank Stuyfzand and Pieter Wolters had several answers: Ank:    We always had high standards for our son and for ourselves. Pieter: We kept to the same guidelines in a situation. Ank: We kept an open communication with each other. Despite what sounds like a solid foundation in their parenting, they felt their son needed a school with more structure. They were not seeking a character-based school, but after visiting the school and learning about the curriculum, they were sold on Hyde for their son. “A huge turning point for me,” said Ank, “was when I was told to focus on myself and let my son focus on himself.” Pieter and Ank’s story is not unusual; they jumped into The Biggest Job Parent Program with both feet, not really