Nice Work!

019 Nick Muldoon Inspires Us to Create Our Own Vivid Visions



We are doing something a little different in this episode of Nice Work! Every now and then, we will stray from the trail known as the Atlassian Ecosystem and talk about interesting topics that help us all improve in our work...and even in our personal lives. This episode is the first. Nick Muldoon from Easy Agile is our first returning guest, and this episode was his idea. If you remember from episode 8, which we know you don't, Nick told us he wanted to come back on the show to talk about the vivid vision process. Lacey and Bill read the book in preparation and to get the most out of the show. Nick shares how he got started with the vivid vision and it's now surprise he learned it while he worked at Atlassian. In fact, he like the process so much, he created a vivid vision for his own company, Easy Agile. He even wrote one with his family. This makes Lacey and Bill feel a little like slackers. Nick inspired us to create a vivid vision for the Nice Work podcast. This episode will inspire you, too.