Nice Work!

026 Joseph Flahiff They're The Ones Doing All the Work, Not the Managers



Think about this for a moment. When we talk about the difference between managers and individual contributors, someone inevitably says (even if they are half kidding), "Well, you know, the team members are the ones actually doing the work." The implication here is that the managers are not doing any work; at least not work of any value value. Obviously, this is not actually true because both are doing work. They are just doing different work and depend on each other equally to get all the work done. Joseph Flahiff, agile coach and author of The New Agile Manager, describes it as a symmetrical relationship between managers and team members. The new agile manager understands this and works with teams to ensure we are all working as effectively as possible. And guess what, Lacey Carlyle, a new managers, gets some free agile manager coaching.  Learn more about Joseph: The New Agile Manager: Joseph on Linkedin: