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049 Gillian Rourke Thought Atlassian Summit 2019 Was Awesome



Gillian Rourke is an avid user of both Confluence and Jira. In fact, her role at KPMG UK is in part to translate client project business requirements into Jira projects and Confluence space and then onboard and training both KPMG engagement teams and the clients they will invite into the Jira project and Confluence space for the project. Most of us think that the main us of Jira and Confluence is to bring teams together around their work, but there are many companies that invite external users into Jira and Confluence to collaborate better. This could mean inviting clients into a Jira project. For that matter it could mean inviting vendors and other outside service providers into both Jira and Confluence to get work done. We talked to Gillian about how she does that in her work.  We also talked to Gillian about her experience at Atlassian Summit 2019. This was Gillian's first trip to Summit and she said it was awesome. We're not trying to make you all jealous. Gillian and I just wanted to bring a little bit o