Gar! The Glenn And Ray Podcast

GAR! Podcast Episode 18: Ray-to-Glenn Ratio Is About 80-20 This Week



Ever have a case of blabbermouth? Yes, that was me (Ray) this week. I overwhelmed Glenn. Bless him for letting me. After two days of being cooped up in a hotel, working hard, and spending another 6 or so issues in the car, I was looking forward to this podcast. Maybe a little too much, because I was just bursting at the seams...anyway, give it a listen. Please remember to give us some feedback! We'll take any of the following: Tweet Ray at @raycornwall Tweet Glenn at @monsura Rate us on iTunes Rate us on Sketcher Or comment on This week's podcast includes discussion of the following: intro / the lottery / mortal enemies / poisoned / reverse Chris Rock logic / comics for 45 year olds / Harlan Ellison on Scooby-Doo / grumpy little troll / Harlan and Fantagraphics / Kirby creates the Marvel Universe / revision rights / Jack's artwork / it always comes back to Steve Ditko / smelliest super-villain / Breaking Bad / Paul Dini / Agents of SMASH / Avengers Assemble / Clancy Brown / Michael Jackson's