Gar! The Glenn And Ray Podcast

The GAR! Podcast 135: The 2016 Camden Comic Con Five Star Spectacular



This week's episode of The GAR! Podcast, recorded live at the 2016 Camden Comic Con, includes discussion of the following: intro / Justin Piatt and Zach Dolan of Unlikely Heroes Studios / Kickstarter / worldbuilding / superhero tiers / Patreon / the Black Hole robot / collaboration and world / character placement / always a boxing glove / Frank Miller / Alan Moore / superfan / Audacious Eleven / Suliman Onque / Super Sketch Painter / Ben Grimm / favorites / punching buildings / Chris Claremont / Make Mine Magic / Mark Poulton / A Cat Named Haiku / marketing the cat / Kickstarter again / demographics and merch / cats / The GAR! Podcast / Ed Evans / The All Things Fun! New Comics Vidcast / screwing up / gaming at CCC / card games / the theme is failure / mail order comics / the army base / military demographics / business / get Glenn back into comics / DC Rebirth / Dan Didio / blank comics / twilight time / thank you / closing / Links: The Camden Comic Con Unlikely Heroes Studios Super! on Twitter Super! on Fac