Gar! The Glenn And Ray Podcast

GAR! 158: The Avengers and the Fantastic Four – Who's Cooler?



The GAR! Podcast is the Glenn Walker and Ray Cornwall weekly podcast where they talk unrehearsed about whatever happens to come to mind. It's an audio-zine for your mind, a nerd exploration of a nerd world, coming to you from the suburbs of New jersey and the sunny lakes of Florida via Skype. This week Glenn and Ray discuss the Avengers and the Fantastic Four – who's cooler, and why? Enjoy! Links: Biff Bam Pop! The Biff Bam Pop! Podcast Network Glenn's Twitter Ray's Twitter The Adventures of Ray The GAR! Podcast on Pinterest The GAR! Podcast on Instagram The GAR! Podcast on Stitcher The GAR! Podcast on iTunes The GAR! Podcast Group on Facebook The GAR! Podcast Page on Facebook Contact us directly here.