The Strenuous Life Podcast With Stephan Kesting / Grapplearts Radio

275 - Mask Wearing, The Spanish Flu, and the Axis from Totalitarianism to Anarchy



Did you know that there were 'anti mask leagues' in the USA to protest masks during the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic?  Neither did I until I started listening to Mitch Lerner.  Mitch is a professor of history at Ohio State University who specialises in 20th century American History and in today's episode we look at the history and politics of pandemics in the United States. I learned a lot during this conversation and I hope you do too.   Stephan P.S.  Here's the article I reference in the podcast with guidelines for opening up BJJ academies during covid with Dr Chris Moriarty P.P.S. Here is one excellent summary (not written by me) about the status of the current science behind mask wearing and prevention of covid transmission: