The Strenuous Life Podcast With Stephan Kesting / Grapplearts Radio

281 - Training BJJ Outside, with Jeff Shaw



Jeff Shaw and I geeked out about Jiu-Jitsu history at first, but then at about the 27:00 minute mark we pivoted to his school's innovative outdoor classes with dedicated training partners during coronavirus and how we can get back to normal in the sport. I hope you enjoy this episode.  Please share it with your friends and training partners who are looking for ideas about how to continue training as safely as possible during the pandemic. Here are the recently updated guidelines for opening up BJJ academies in a time of Covid: Here's Jeff's series on the history of BJJ, from ancient times to today: You can find out more about Jeff on Instagram @jeffmshaw Find out more about Bellingham BJJ at or on Instagram @bellinghambjj Take care! Stephan Kesting