The Strenuous Life Podcast With Stephan Kesting / Grapplearts Radio

291 - Yoga, Meditation, and... Conspiracy Theory? With Derek Beres from the Conspirituality Podcast



Only aligning your chakras can save you from the satanist deep state... Derek Beres is an author and former reporter who cohosts the Conspirituality podcast which investigates the convergence of left-wing spirituality in Yoga and wellness culture with feverish right-wing conspiracy theorists. I wish this podcast could have been a light hearted traipse down the kookier aspects of Yoga and spiritual utopianism but in a time when rampant conspiracy thinking on social media spreads mistruths, disinformation and 'alternative facts' this is a deadly serious issue. Follow the Conspirituality Podcast here: - it's very good! Stephan Kesting