The Strenuous Life Podcast With Stephan Kesting / Grapplearts Radio

292 - Is It Safe to Train BJJ During Covid Yet? A Nuanced Answer...



Is it safe to train BJJ in a pandemic? I wish it were a simple yes or no answer, but as I discuss in this episode (which is also available on Youtube at it depends on a number of factors including... Your age, health, pre-existing conditions Your tolerance for personal risk The age and health status of your family Your health insurance situation, Your willingness to put other people in society at risk, Whether you're taking precautions in the rest of your life What the local Covid test positivity rates are The precautions your club is taking Whether you're in a training pod The precautions your training partners are taking And more. If you're interested in more information about BJJ training pods check out If you want to see some evidence that masks help prevent transmission of Covid-19 please read If