The Strenuous Life Podcast With Stephan Kesting / Grapplearts Radio

310 - Are you in a Jiu-Jitsu Cult with Matt 'Aesopian' Kirtley



Today I talk with Matt Kirtley, better known to many as 'Aesopian', about Changes to jiu-jitsu culture, Crazy martial arts cults, Channeling of ancient spirits, How we can get more out of drilling, Red flags that you're in a jiu-jitsu cult And much more I met Matt ages ago when he published step-by-step breakdowns for the reverse omoplata and the rolling crucifix attack on a forum which I then republished (with permission) on Grapplearts. He's good people!   He is a jiu-jitsu black  belt who has been heavily involved in online jiu-jitsu culture for 15 years.   He writes extensively at Inverted Gear, has helped answer hundreds of BJJ questions for White Belt Wednesdays, and is a Functional Range Conditioning coach.     If you enjoyed this episode then check out Episode 290 with Steve Kwan about BJJ Cults and Conspiracies, Episode 291 with Derek Beres from the Conspirituality Pod about Cults and Conspiracies in the Yoga, Wellness and BJJ Community Episode 297 with Mathew Remski about Cults, Prophecies a