The Strenuous Life Podcast With Stephan Kesting / Grapplearts Radio

312 - Three Steps to Improve Your Post-Training Recovery



Your health is like a credit card.. You can definitely put things onto your credit card once in a while.  You can even use a credit card to help bridge the gap when you’re short on funds. But sooner or later you need to pay it off. But if you keep on making withdrawals against your card without ever putting money back into it then you’re going to end up in serious trouble. Your health is the same way. You can’t borrow against it indefinitely. If you keep asking your body to push hard without giving it the time and support to recover then things are eventually going to go catastrophically wrong. After beating the crap out of your body you need to balance the books by giving it the opportunity to recover. Hard training without quality recovery is a recipe for disaster, so recovery is a skill you need to master as well. Article format of this episode is here: Cheers, Stephan Kesting P.S.  Sign up for my newsletter because it's the best, mo