Risk Everyday With Kristy Arnett

#RiskEveryday - I had a meltdown



I’d been traveling a ton, felt totally ungrounded and have numerous deadlines tightening their strangle holds on me. But of course, I have created all of this for myself. My drive can often switch from passion driven, to obsessive, to self interested over the course of even a single day. The self interested part of me wants to prove to everyone- look how much I can do! Look how I can be what you want me to! Look how good I am! Aren’t I doing a good job??? — It’s like I’m a little girl, jumping up and down screaming, trying to get my parent’s attention to love me! ❣️And in the end, isn’t that what we are all trying to do in some ways? But the problem is, when that part of us takes over. When I’m not conscious, I start to take everything on and forget the wisdom of my body. And I’m tired. And it’s not working. I know it because I can feel the difference in what I create and who I am when I come from love and passion rather than this fear place of not being good enough. ✏️What I write feels true, rather than try