Conversation Street

Conversation Street Episode 480



Our latest podcast covers the episodes of Coronation Street broadcast in the UK between the 19th and the 23rd July (Episodes #10380 - 10385). It's the week of the charity calendar shoot, and as the men of the street bear their bodies for the camera, Curtis bears his soul to his new love Emma, revealing his secret heart condition that could see him drop dead at any minute. In fact, there are romances blossoming all over the Street this week, with Grace finding herself attracted to Michael again, Fiz and Phill's obvious chemistry driving Tyrone into a jealous rage, and Leanne and Nick having some sweet scenes together after she realises that life with Sam's actually not so bad. Though the lack of big news stories saw us give The Kabin a miss this week, we make up for it with a bit of a bumper feedback section, with one email in particular giving us plenty to muse over about the current state of Corrie, and what we might do to shake things up if we were in charge. Street Talk - 00:17:45 Feedback - 02:04:01