Gb @work

Tough Love Conversations



Receiving positive feedback is like being in the middle of a dopamine surge, the world looks a brighter place to be in, the traffic doesn't seem to bother, the pollution seems oblivious and the smiles burst into ripples across miles. And then the alarm bell goes off!  You are headed to the official  hell room, also known as the huddle room - where your boss awaits you with feedback. Soon the dopamine surge is replaced with a cortisol influx and your pulse is racing and beads of sweat bulge at the base of your nose. You dab them repeatedly only to find them reappear. The air-conditioning  seems a bit colder than normal and the silence more deafening. After a quick glance you realize your boss is about to give you the Tough Love conversation.  You catch the vibe immediately. The boss goes on a cold rampage pointing out all the mistakes you've made or goals missed and before they finish the rant, you know what's coming your way. Those three little words - You are fired. Clearly before that mo