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#135 See the World, Travel Sustainably, and Make Money as a Travel Blogger with Gary Arndt



  Gary Arndt is a remarkable photographer and a travel enthusiast. He was hailed the Society of American Travel Writers Photographer of the Year in 2014 as well as the North American Travel Journalists Association Photographer of the Year for 2013 and 2015. He was also a 3 time Lowell Thomas Award Winner. Equally as impressive is his travel experience. For starters, he has visited all 7 continents, has been to a total of 200 countries/territories, all 50 US States, and over 315 UNESCO World Heritage Sites. This week’s episode focuses on Gary’s perspective on traveling, finding places that are off the beaten path, and the role social media plays in today’s travel industry. Gary also discusses what it was like when he first started traveling, how he picks places to visit, and the value he finds in traveling. Gary shares the following insight with aspiring travel bloggers, “People need to realize that you are traveling in space, not time. And the way the world is in the 21st century, don’t expect to go back to t