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#160 Scaling Up for Millennial Entrepreneurs: Find Money, Grow Fast, & Manage Your Emotions with Verne Harnish



Verne Harnish is the founder of the distinguished Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO), a prestigious organization with more than 14, 000 members worldwide. For fifteen years now, he also chairs “Birthing of Giants,” a leadership program at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) as well as the MIT / WEO Advanced Business Program for entrepreneurs over 40. Verne is also the founder and chief executive officer of Gazelles, Inc. He also serves as principal and co-founder of Gazelles Growth Institute. Verne also collaborates with Bloomberg LIVE for the bi-annual ScaleUp Summits. Apart from spending the past three decades helping numerous companies scale up, Verne has also authored several bestselling books. Also known as the “Growth Guy,” Verne is also a venture columnist for FORTUNE magazine. His bestselling book “Mastering the Rockefeller Habits: What You Must Do to Increase the Value of Your Growing Firm,” has been translated into 9 languages. He also authored “The Greatest Business Decision of All Time: How