Business Owners & Entrepreneurs Podcast With Peter Boolkah | Business Coach | The Transition Guy®

Hiring Staff In A Post Pandemic World With Ira Wolfe - 187



Although the pandemic has changed the way businesses operate, many companies have not updated the way they hire employees. In today's episode, I share a conversation with Ira Wolfe, author of the best-selling book Recruiting At The Age Of Googlization. We talk about the several things that you should keep in mind when hiring staff so you can keep up with our fast-changing world.Finding people with the right skills and attitude is not as easy as some may think. There are a lot of people out there, but less of the people are suited to performing at the level you expect them to. What does it take to perform in today’s rapidly evolving companies? First of all, people need to be able to embrace change. Grit and perseverance are useful, but they don’t help you adapt when circumstances require it. When you hire employees, look for people who are willing to adjust the way they operate.When hiring staff, you should also look for mental flexibility. The ability to hold two opposing ideas in your mind at the same t