Practice You With Elena Brower

Episode 73: Jodie Patterson



On womanhood, excellence, Blackness, and our crucial collaborations in parenting, partnership, and creativity. Rebirthing many times throughout life [3:57] Women, Southern culture and power [5:15] Demonstrating Black Excellence [12:10] Seeking out Black culture [18:14] Not letting the dominant culture confuse you [21:52] A different kind of leadership [24:55] Detaching from things that define us. Coming back different [29:51] Finding the upside of the split [38:11] Representation matters. How we treat people is cultural [42:05] Penelope’s poem. Listening fully when people tell us who they are [52:38] Author, activist, beauty explorer and mother of 5, Jodie holds the position of Chair of the Human Rights Campaign Foundation Board, our nation’s largest LGBT organization. As a globally recognized activist, she speaks on topics of radical parenting, identity, and gender. When her son announced at the age of 3 “Mama I’m not a girl. I’m a boy”, Jodie set out to inform herself, shift her own bias and change the wa