Life Long Learner

Ep. 43 - Learning from 6 Human Needs Part 1



During this  2 part episode, Matt and Gines talk about the 6 human needs. Love and connection, Significance, Uncertainty, Certainty, Growth(part 2), and Contribution (part2).  These human needs play out in our worlds in some shape or form.  The first four are presently getting fulfilled either by a conscious deliberate decision or by an unintentional decision. Also, there are 2 ways to fulfill these needs. Firstly, is a resourceful way, most times resource way is sustainable. However, the other side is an unresourceful way to fulfill these needs, which can prove to unsustainable.  They chat about how these come up in their worlds and how most people who are unaware of these, how it will turn up. Taking stock of how you fill these needs is an interesting exercise.  For more updates and to subscribe head to -