The Entrepreneurial You

New Year, New You: Why Health Is Wealth



I am pleased to share with you that over the next 5 weeks I will be releasing the presentations from speakers at the Slow Down & Live: Health is Wealth virtual event that was held in January. I am excited to share these recordings because I learnt so much and I know you perhaps didn't get to attend and even if you did, a replay would be good. You may remember that my motivation came from my own personal experience with my health that was challenged. I am committing to staying healthy and I want you to as well. You will be hearing topics a follows: ➡️New Year, New You: Why Health Is Wealth ➡️Parenting And Behavioural Health In Caribbean Children ➡️Food As Medicine: Why A Whole Food Plant-Based Diet May Be The Answer To Your Health Problems ➡️Miracle Mineral: Magnesium As A Response To Burn Out ➡️Adrenal Fatigue: Why Aren't More Medical Doctors Diagnosing It? Today, I am starting with Dr Nsombi Jaja as she talks about New Year, New You: Why Health Is Wealth.   Here are three reasons why you sho