Business Owners & Entrepreneurs Podcast With Peter Boolkah | Business Coach | The Transition Guy®

Future Proofing Your Career And Business With Maulik Parekh - 185



What does it mean to future proof your career and company? As humans, we are naturally inclined to deal with the most immediate and pressing of needs. But, according to Maulik Parekh, for leaders and CEOs, future proofing careers and businesses means having to focus on imperative factors like embracing artificial intelligence, digital transformation and the gig economy. Maulik Parekh was inspired to write his book, Futureproof Your Career And Company, after realizing the extent to which everyone was focused on surviving the pandemic vs looking long-term. So many leaders took their eyes off the horizon, forgetting the growing trends of artificial intelligence, digital natives, and the gig economy. The business landscape has changed, and it continues to change. So, as a business leader, if you don’t prepare for them, you may come to experience a different kind of pandemic in the next 10 years. Businesses that have managed to embrace the internet have undoubtedly emerged victorious during this pandemic. But some