Business Owners & Entrepreneurs Podcast With Peter Boolkah | Business Coach | The Transition Guy®

How To Achieve Financial Freedom W/ Wealth Mentor Jackson Millan - 184



 The thing is, as business owners, we all want financial freedom. However, unless we find a way to get our money working for us, we risk creating a job rather than a business.  Wealth mentor Jackson Millan talks about how he grew up watching his parents working hard without truly being able to generate wealth for themselves, and how this early experience made him want to teach people the language of money - something that is not taught in school. When his job as a financial advisor didn’t feel quite right to him, he decided to carve out his own space teaching people how to have financial freedom.  When it comes to COVID, most small business owners were grossly underprepared. One of the biggest problems was that people didn't have an emergency fund that they could draw upon. One thing Jackson teaches as a wealth mentor is that there will always be another potential disaster. In order to have financial freedom and generate wealth, you need to be prepared for that possibility.  At the core of Jackson’s work