Create U | Personal Growth Podcast

Episode 48 - Communication 104: Ask Powerful Questions



By creating stronger connections with your communication you’ll be able to give your relationship the opportunity to really thrive in a world where so many are barely surviving. In fact, poor communication is cited as the #1 reason couples break up and marriages end in divorce. But what if the most effective way to create powerful connections with our loved ones was easier than you thought? In the fourth and final installment of my better communication series, I’ll be sharing with you the easiest way to master connection in communication by asking powerful questions. We’ll be talking about the 3 most common types of questions used in normal conversations and why there’s only one that you should be using if you want to increase your influence with others. So, if you’ve ever wondered why your conversations aren’t as impactful as you’d like or have struggled to understand why some conversations are great while others don’t seem to connect, then listen to today’s episode as I teach you how to ask powerful questi