Holly Springs Bible Fellowship Podcasts

Easter Service 2013



Matthew 28:1-7 / Genesis 3:1-19 / Galatians 4:4- 7 - God will never force himself on you. In creation he designed man with the ability to choose Him. He is a holy, just righteous and judging God. Sin has consequences and He has established that choices have consequences. He is also a God of love. He understood that His holy demands meant He would have to pay the ultimate price. He willing came and died for your sins. He wants to give you His righteousness, but you must choose it for yourself. No one can choose it for you. If you choose to stand before Him in your own righteousness, you will be cast out. He is the only way, the only truth, and the only life. No one will come to the father without the righteousness of Christ. Knowing or unknowingly everyone leave today having made a choice.