Business Owners & Entrepreneurs Podcast With Peter Boolkah | Business Coach | The Transition Guy®

Why Profit Per X Is CRUCIAL Early In Your Business W/ Shannon Susko - 183



Getting clear on what Jim Collins calls your Profit per X - that is, the economic engine that drives your business - is going to help you achieve your 3HAG and BHAG goals down the line. However, many entrepreneurs put off this critical planning until quite late in their development process. For Shannon Susko, planning out your Profit per X right away has enormous benefits. First of all, Profit per X comes from the Hedgehog Concept of Jim Collins. The Hedgehog Concept, which allows your business to transform from 'Good to Great', comes about from answering these 3 key questions: 1) What are you deeply passionate about? (Knowing your Business Purpose) 2) What can you be the best in the world at? (Knowing your Core Business) 3) Can you make money doing it? (Knowing your economic engine or Profit per X) Putting the answers side-by-side with the Key Function Flow Map of your business will allow you and your team to get a clear idea of the non-fiscal elements of your business, and how they contribute to y