Buddhist Geeks

The Forest Dwelling Yogi



“Enlightenment is found in the Body and nowhere else.” – famous Dzogchen saying We’re joined in this interview by Reginald Ray–author of numerous books on Tibetan Buddhism and teacher in the lineage of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. In this episode we discuss the forest dwelling meditator, a category of practitioner outside of the normal lay / monastic dichotomy. In particular we look at the role that retreat–both group and solitary–plays for the type of practitioner that does intensive retreat but is not a full-time practitioner. We also discuss Reggie’s teaching emphasis on the shamanic aspect of Vajrayana Buddhism, particulary the role that the body plays in awakening. This is part 1 of a two-part series. Listen to part 2, Tibetan Buddhist Lineage in the West. Episode Links: Naropa University ( http://www.naropa.edu ) Buddhist Saints in India ( http://bit.ly/ixNr8 ) Civilized Shamans: Buddhism in Tibetan Societies ( http://bit.ly/mJeGn ) Dharma Ocean ( http://www.dharmaocean.org ) Your Breathing Body – Vol 1. (