Buddhist Geeks

Embodied Zen



“Meditation is the royal road to the unconscious.” – Carl Jung Gerry Shishen Wick, Roshi joins us today to finish the discussion on koan training, Rinzai and Soto Zen, and on a method of training he uses to help people deal with certain psychological issues–called the Great Heart Way. He sees all of these methods as leading toward a more genuine and embodied Zen. This is part 2 of a two-part series. Listen to part 1, Koan Training and the Different Styles of Zen. Episode Links: The Great Heart Way: How To Heal Your Life and Find Self-Fulfillment ( http://bit.ly/16ZWG7 ) Great Mountain Zen Center ( http://www.gmzc.org ) The Book of Equanimity: Illuminating Classic Zen Koans ( http://bit.ly/la3Lt )