Talking Tesla

TT 200 - Wow 200!



Electric Vehicle Growth: the brands, consumers, and EV public opinion trends in 2021 (Interesting, the social media side of EV adoption) interest in EVs has more than doubled in the past year & “social chatter” has grown 5-fold per Pulsar TRAC (a social media data aggregator)They analyzed over 300k posts & articles authored in the US and UK between Feb 15 – Apr 5, across social and news platforms including Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, TikTok, AmazonSearch queries beginning with ‘can…’ can they tow? will they catch fire?Can they charge at home?Can they use the HOV lanes?at-home charging stations emerge time after time as a key point of discussionCompared to the non-Tesla EV audience, people talking about Tesla are younger, more male, and American.brands only making EVs make up almost 45% of the total brand conversationUK: Royal Mail Fully Electrifies Its First Delivery Office (a short story)https://in