Wall Street Oasis

E48: Private Equity Post MBA with Only Consulting and IB Experience? Nah, Get Out of Here!



Member @Layne Stayley, one of the most giving members in all of WSO's history, shares his inspiring path as an engineering student graduating during the Great Recession in 2008 all the way to a post-MBA associate seat in private equity and now VP at a Merchant Bank in the Northwest.  He shares how he first broke into consulting out of undergrad during a very tough recruiting environment, his jump to investment banking and how he was laughed out of the room by a PE partner during an info session when he told him that his eventual goal was private equity.  Learn how he managed to prove that partner wrong with some simple legwork.  Having lived in a lot of different regions and tasted a lot of different industries in his short career, I hope this guest gives you a nice taste of the nuances of each.