Bibliophiles Anonymous

Bibliophiles Anonymous #60 - Tiny Questions



In this episode of Bibliophiles Anonymous, Denise and Jess tackle a number of small questions from the website "Booking Through Thursday." Movies have a rating system to help guide the consumer weed out adult/violent/inappropriate kinds of films. Video games do, too. Do you think BOOKS should have a ratings system? We all know the beauty of reading a really wonderful book for the first time—when everything about the story and the writing and the timing click to make a reader’s perfect storm … but it’s fleeting, because you can never read that book for the first time again. So … if you could magically reset things so that you had the chance to read a favorite book/series again for the first time … which would you choose? And why? How do you organize/store your books? Do you go through them often? Or do you pretty much just shelve them and then leave them alone until you need them? Do you have a preference between “person” in the books you read? Do you prefer third-person to first-person? Or don’t you care?