Bibliophiles Anonymous

Bibliophiles Anonymous #65 - We're wishin'!



In this episode of Bibliophiles Anonymous, Denise and Jess take on another topic from "The Broke and the Bookish," one of our favorite bookish websites. We're talking about our wishlist - the things that we wish certain authors would do for us. Hey, we've been devoted fans! We deserve it! Right? Here are some of the things we really really want: Dear John Flanagan: Why can't you write Ranger's Apprentice books for ever? Dear Mercedes Lackey: please write about the founding of Valdemar! Dear J.K. Rowling: please, for the love of Merlin, give us more Harry Potter! Particularly the Marauders years, but we'll take anything. Dear Chloe Neill: please give us more about the Shifters! Or any of the other supernatural creatures living in the greater Chicago area! Dear Mira Grant: please let us know what happened to those two characters (you know who we're talking about)! Dear Rachel Hawkins: please write more Hex Hall books! And if you do, please be sure that Archer is in them! Dear Papa Tolkien: please come back fro