The Thriving Entrepreneur

Episode 4: The Authenticity Advantage



In this episode, guest speaker, Maru Iabichela talks about: ◦How she had it all made in corporate America until one day she realized that was not the case at all ◦Her epiphany after about 5 years of working that having only 2 weeks off a year wasn't the kind of life she had imagined especially as a mom ◦How ending up in the ER was her wake-up call to make some major changes in her life ◦The importance of questioning your current reality ◦One single action per day can create a huge momentum in your life and business ◦Going from "scared uncertainty" to "excited uncertainty" ◦Steps to becoming more authentic and why authenticity is an advantage  ◦Why bringing more of YOU and your humanness may be the spark in your business  References Mentioned: Book: Eat that Frog by Brian Tracy Connect with Maru at: The Happy Entrepreneur on Facebook (Her growing and engaged FB Community) @CoachMaru on many social media platforms and on her site at