The Thriving Entrepreneur

Episode 6: Making an Impact: From Software Engineer to Online Marketer and Consultant



In this interview, online marketer and consultant, Jason Van Orden focuses on:  How his entrepreneurial journey began and how he went from a Software Engineer to Online Marketer and Consultant Started learning about online marketing when he wanted to get his music business off the ground How his spouse encouraged him to follow his passion and start his business The way people reacted to him quitting his engineering job and how he handled it His first live event where he taught marketing and how he made more money in one event than he ever did on a paycheck The journey it takes to find your passion as an entrepreneur What to do if you have so many business ideas (and we all know most creative people have a million of ideas) How you can become creative to invest in your business when you are just starting out and you don't yet have the funds  Why self-efficacy is the word you need to embody Overcoming the level of uncertainty that a business may bring especially when it comes to cash flow The one key to succes