The Thriving Entrepreneur

Episode 10: Unleashing Your Inner Change Maker



Jay Wong is the host of the Inner Changemaker Podcast. He is 26 years old and decided to become an entrepreneur after leaving his high-paying corporate position in Toronto.  Right out of business school, he started working for a company called Strategic Coach and that was the best transition for him into the entrepreneurial world.  During this interview Jay shares how: He transitioned from business school, to working at Strategic Coach and then starting his own business He "followed his bliss" and embraced the idea that "life should be living to the point of tears" He wanted to create content that lit up his soul We shouldn't discount our own stories because our brands need our stories Personal Brand has 3 components: 1. Level of self-awareness 2. Your WHY 3. Your story (relevant and relatable) His message was the only thing that he had when he first began  You can connect with Jay at