The Thriving Entrepreneur

Episode 14: 6 High Performance Hacks to Amplify Your Life and Business



In this week's episode, Yasemin shares 6 High Performance Hacks Being an entrepreneur requires pure discipline. Especially in a world filled with distractions. Many entrepreneurs and creative people in general tend to have the Shiny Object Syndrome, also known as the Productivity Smasher. At least, that's how I like to call it.  So, how can we reclaim our agenda? How can we AMPLIFY our lives and businesses so that we can make the impact we know we are born to make in this world? Here are six things that have been helping me as well as hundreds of my coaching clients achieve results that we could have only dreamed of a few short years ago. 1. Focus on ONE idea/project at a time until it's completed   2. Identify the things that only YOU can do and delegate the rest as much as you can   3. Create a MORNING ROUTINE that lights you up and prepares you to conquer your day   4. Make REST a priority   5. Spend more time outdoors 6. Make being active your default