How Do We Fix It?

Tough Lessons From Economics. Veronique de Rugy



"We should be humble all the time," says Veronique de Rugy of her study of economics. "There's always something I realize that I didn't understand."  In this episode, we discuss the rigorous questions economists need to ask themselves when analyzing the likely impacts of public policies: Questions rarely asked by politicians and others in the public square. We look at the perils of cronyism, the shortcomings of the Ex-Im Bank, growing federal budget deficits, and the unfairness of the highly complex U.S. tax system.Veronique is a senior research fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. She writes a syndicated column looking at economics from a free market, libertarian perspective.Featured quote: "People don't go to the barricades to fight for distortions and economic inefficiency but they should go to the barricades to fight unfairness and cronyism that is unfair."Recommendation: Jim is listening to "The Moment", a podcast with interviews