Pure Soul Alchemy With Gabriella

Breaking Through Unconscious Money Limits



This session is a shamanic treatment for identifying and deconstructing unconscious money limits. Before listening to this session, in your mind's eye, connect with any patterns of financial lack that repeatedly play out in your life. Bring this to the forefront of your attention as you receive these Alchemy applications.   Donate here: https://www.paypal.me/PureSoulAlchemy   Crypto Tip Jar: https://www.puresoulalchemy.com/crypto-donate   Join in for this 30 minute soul re-alignment process! A transmission of channeled healing technologies which restructure your creative source grid.     Pure Soul Alchemy is a channeled energetic field where transformative operations and procedures are enacted for you while you comfortably relax. Through Gabriella's perception and vocalization of the inner energetic landscape, we are opened in ways which allow for these processes to come into our physical reality and enact change on our behalf. It’s optimal to lay down for the duration of the session but feel free