
Pop Week



"Hanabi likes to wade knee deep in controversy and nothing seems to stir up culinary controversy right now like 16-year old chef Flynn McGarry. If you’re not too familiar with him, he’s a young kid trying to operate in a grizzled, often ego-centric 30-something’s world, and seemingly unapologetically. Say what you will about earning your stripes through blood, sweat and tears as the idiom goes, but sometimes there’s someone half your age, who for no reason even they can explain, can just do it better than you without even trying. But, if I’m Japanese ramen chef Shouichi Fujimaki who charges $120 a bowl for his ramen, I’m probably not going to be too worried yet by Hanabi’s foray into cooking up his own shio ramen from scratch. Okay, I’d be a little worried. He even throws down a little gyoza in soup to show off a bit. In keeping with a little Japanese theme, Insane Dane visited New York institution Hatsuhanna for a really well presented sashimi bento-box called The Box of Dreams. He also visits Swine for