
Post Holiday Edition



"It’s not that Hanabi has the post holiday blues or anything, it’s that he is thrilled that another Christmas is in the books. Usually, we could talk about what to do with all the after Christmas food, but not this year. Instead we checked out a very weird situation going on down at the former Fizzary space. This drama is so good it doesn’t matter if you’re local or not. The Fizzary until recently, was a vintage style soda shop that carried hundreds of varieties of soda from around the world and from craft-styled makers. Anyway, the people that are subleasing the space have apparently turned it into a not-so-underground gambling club and illegal bar. Apparently it’s be so shady that the landlord has taken to extreme measures to notify the police and alcohol commission, and so far no one seems to care. Hanabi also loves movies. His favorite place to catch a movie just so happens to be the Sundance Kabuki theater over in Japantown. This place is rad. There super comfy couch-like chairs with tables atta