Freed 2 Love Podcast

Episode 57 ~ “Prayer Isn’t Work; Mental Health Isn’t Spiritual" ~ Dr Malaika Brown



Things You'll Takeaway In This Episode:How people in leadership are one way in public and someone entirely different behind closed doors.The position that some churches take on as being against or anti-therapy.How mental illness is frequently mistaken for demonic possession or influence.Challenging the old adage that people say they are 'working on their issues' by praying and in reality they are being lazy.  Prayer is not a magic wand and God is not our genie.Benefits that some people get out of unforgiveness.Guest Bio:Dr. Malaika Brown believes that no matter what life experiences you have encountered, you can heal and eventually be whole. Adversity is a part of life, but our response is what we can control. A native of Southern California, Dr. Malaika is a clinician specializing in traumatology and minority mental health, with a goal of helping all those who had survived the worst life has to throw at them. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in interdisciplinary studies, a Master of Science