Victory Fellowship Church Podcast

Idol Minds pt 3: Power



Has the idol of “power” captured your focus? An idol is anything or anyone we allow to take the place of God in our lives, anything or anyone we worship, anything or anyone that you serve. We must choose who we will serve: your default will be to serve the idols passed along to you by your family and by your culture. We get rid of idols in three steps: recognize, repent and replace. In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally addresses the idol of power.Zechariah 4:6 “‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the LORD Almighty.”The kingdom of God grows by God’s Spirit, not by our strength. Matthew 20:25-28Christianity will spread when the church is at-your-feet instead of in-your face. Two idols of power we are tempted to serve:THE IDOL OF SUCCESS.Matthew 16:26 God's goal for you is not worldly success but spiritual blessing. Here’s the difference: success is earned by you, blessing is given by God. Success is achieved, blessing is received. When worshipping the God of success, what you have be