Business Owners & Entrepreneurs Podcast With Peter Boolkah | Business Coach | The Transition Guy®

The Keys To Dealing With Adversity With Mitch Russo - 180



There are always going to be challenges faced by entrepreneurs. What often separates the successful businesses from those that fail is how adept they are at dealing with adversity. In this conversation with Mitch Russo, he describes the challenges that he faced while building an eight-figure business, and how he was able to overcome them. One of the key principles that Mitch adhered to from the beginning was to sell a quality product to the right people. Once you figure out who to target, it makes marketing a whole lot easier. You can orient your marketing to match precisely the people who will be interested in your product. One of the biggest challenges faced by entrepreneurs is recession. But as Mitch explains, he has a unique way of dealing with adversity. When he experienced the last recession, he decided that he was in a period of expansion. Just because the economy is suffering as a whole doesn’t mean that you have to suffer along with it. The final piece of advice that Mitch offers is to make sure you