Women Who Swaay Podcast

This Former Attorney Wants You To Embrace Generation "Why"



Nicole Abboud's story starts off like most of our successful millennials' stories: a "blissfully ignorant" ingenue pursuing her dreams in 2008. Abboud's dream - or, at least, one of them - was to be a lawyer. Until she realized that she was wrong.  As a lawyer, she started her own practice and differentiated herself by branding herself as a "fashion lawyer." After a few months, however, she shut down the practice. She realized that her heart was not fully in it.  "And I went through this whole self-discovery phase of just moping around and complaining to anyone who would listen - to my family [and] my friends about this thing that I was feeling." Abboud felt like she was the only one who was feeling it, but she soon found out that she wasn't alone in feeling unhappy. In March of 2015, she launched her podcast, the Gen Why Lawyer Podcast, in an "effort to reach out to other millennial lawyers across the U.S. to see if they felt the same way - if they were unhappy - and just what they were doing about it." L