Women Who Swaay Podcast

Understanding The Art Of Manufacturing with Krisztina 'Z' Holly



She is an MIT-trained engineer, entrepreneur and adventurer whose passion is identifying undiscovered ideas and talent and helping them make impact. She's probably best known for curating and hosting the first ever TEDx and founding two innovation centers at MIT and USC that helped spin-out dozens of startups based on university research. She is currently host of The Art of Manufacturing podcast and Founder & Chief Instigator of MAKE IT IN LA, an initiative of LA Mayor Garcetti that connects and celebrates the largest community of makers and manufacturers in the U.S. She started her career as a manufacturing engineer on the Space Shuttle, then became a tech entrepreneur, playing key roles at startups such as Stylus innovation (acquired by Artisoft), Direct Hit Technologies (acquired by Ask Jeeves) and Jeeves Solutions (acquired by Kanisa). She has been an advisor to nearly two dozen companies and organizations, including the Obama administration and the World Economic Forum. She lives and plays in Los Angeles