Business Owners & Entrepreneurs Podcast With Peter Boolkah | Business Coach | The Transition Guy®

Stop Letting Fear Hold You Back with Brian Lovegrove - 179



Is fear holding you back? Fear in business is a lack of certainty about what the future holds. But what matters is not whether or not you feel fear; rather, it’s how you choose to deal with it. This past year has been tough for many entrepreneurs. Yet, some people have found ways to thrive. What often makes the difference between failure and success is one’s relationship to fear and uncertainty.  The key is to not focus on things that are out of your control. Take the pandemic, for example. There were many things that were out of our control. In order to feel comfortable again, many people chose to watch more TV or eat more junk food. But if there’s fear holding you back, you need to focus on taking control of your situation. Rather than succumbing to the fear in business, look for new opportunities. Ask yourself what kinds of doors your situation has opened for you.  This is what Brian Lovegrove helps his clients with on a daily basis. He frees them from their fears by showing them how to take action and av