The Entrepreneurial You

How Learning People Management Skills Could Save Your Money And Time



With growth comes success. Are you ready to learn how you can save time and money by learning how to manage people? In this episode, we are joined by Mike "C-Roc" Ciorrocco to discuss how learning people management skills could save your money and time. Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:  Discover useful tips on how you can be a better leader. Learn effective tools and strategies to manage your team. Learn how you can improve on your people management skills.   Episode Highlights Learning Patience-  Mike shares that we have to be patient and learn how to trust the process.  He also shared that it’s not easy to be patient.  We have to work on ourselves before we can manage people - learning the art of patience. You have to work on “ME” leadership first then transition to WE leadership.  What Is People Management? Managing people speaks to being a leader of people. Mike shared that according to John Maxwell, leadership is making others’ success easier or easy.